Orange County Hip Augmentation


Orange County Hip Augmentation

The hourglass form,which has a complete breast,booty,and voluptuous hips with a thin waist,has become a popular new look. Unfortunately,it is also uncommon,with just 8% of women naturally having these extreme curves. Many women choose buttock augmentation,such as buttock implants or a Brazilian butt lift to produce a fuller,more rounded buttock projection. However,because these operations mainly focus on the posterior,they do nothing to modify the hip shape and “hourglass” figure from the front.

Hip augmentation in Orange County can help you achieve hourglass contours. Dr. Arian Mowlavi is one of the few Orange County cosmetic surgeons with extensive expertise producing this classic hourglass form with a snatched waist,exquisite butt shape,and seductive curves.

If we’ve already sparked your interest,you may contact us through our website to get your particular questions answered straight away.

The Curvaceous or “Rubenesque” Female Form in Fashion

Female bodies exist in various forms and sizes,and each is unique and attractive in its way. For decades,experts in fashion,photography,and art have emphasized the “waif” or athletic physique. Men and women alike have come to appreciate a more voluptuous or “Rubenesque” shape,thanks to the influence of celebrities such as Cardi B,Kim Kardashian,and Jennifer Lopez. (In the 18th century,Peter Paul Rubens,a Flemish artist,became famous for painting sensuously proportioned ladies.) While all women’s bodies are attractive,the hourglass form may have an advantage in sexual attraction.

Instinctively,animals,including humans,are drawn to partners who have bodies that signal fecundity. Wide hips and big breasts are evolutionary indicators that a woman’s body is fertile,can maintain a pregnancy,and possesses the fat that supports breastfeeding. According to certain studies,body form has a more significant influence on attractiveness than breast size or facial characteristics.